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lördag 30 november 2013

Oh Children, Lost In the Night

fairy tale princess - crystal headpieceFairy tale fashion - Vogue Italia, January 2012, Model: Lindsey Wixson, Photography by Tim Walker


love by the moon
Arizona Muse in Alexander McQueen
Sources: Pinterest

Great inspiration, great music, too bad I'm too sick to do anything creative. 

onsdag 20 november 2013

'Sleeping Beauty'

Finished this one a while back, now I'm working on Gone with the wind, but other projects are getting in between so it might take a while.

tisdag 19 november 2013

My first love

The original inspiration, Disney may have given me unrealistic expectations about hair, but it's still ageless to me.

fredag 15 november 2013

Native Fox

Portrait: Native Fox

The supercool http://www.thenativefox.blogspot.com/ ! She's got impeccable style and is one of my favorite bloggers.

måndag 11 november 2013

Vintage Posters

Har alltid totalälskat gamla filmposters, dom har en sorts charm som är svårt att hitta i någon annan konst. Funderar på att göra om dom här två godingarna till mina föräldrars hus på landet, Gone With The Wind till mamma, och Sleeping Beauty till mig själv!

söndag 10 november 2013

Coffee Collection

Tänkte med tiden fortsätta med kaffemålningarna, ska bara komma på hur nästa motiv ska se ut och vilket tema jag ska köra på...

tisdag 5 november 2013

I Can See The Green Light

Home sick at the moment, decided to spend the morning watching this movie. It's one of those movies you     either love or hate, and I can't help but love it. Especially the music, anything with Florence Welch and I'm in love. 
   Well today I hope I'm at least going to get some drawing done, I'm bored out of my mind being sick.